How Ukrainians greeted the New Year: 300 arrests during the curfew

On New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1 in Ukraine, 300 people were taken to police stations for violating the curfew. Anatoliy Seredynskyi, deputy head of the Department of Preventive Activities of the National Police, concludes the telethon about this.

According to Seredynskyi, the number of those reduced is low.

"Preventive conversations and checks for involvement in subversive activities were conducted with violators, but no such facts were found," he concluded.

About 25 messages related to the use of pyrotechnics were also recorded. The police are currently documenting these offences.

On New Year's Eve, the National Police received a total of 35 reports of various incidents, which, according to Seredynskyi, is a low number.

"Ukrainians approached the New Year's celebration quite consciously. Most of the incidents concern the behavior of persons in a state of alcohol intoxication or domestic conflicts," he added.

The National Police continues to work in an enhanced mode on January 1, ensuring the safety of citizens and public order.



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