How the prices of products have changed over the year

In 2024, the value of the consumer basket in Ukraine increased by 15%, which was a tangible blow to many Ukrainian countries. Dairy products, vegetables and fruits rose in price the most, while bread and meat showed relative stability.

The biggest price changes
According to the "Fora" supermarket chains, the price of dairy products increased the most: butter - up to 30%, dairy products - up to 18%, and cheese - up to 19%. Vegetables and fruits, which were affected by crop failures due to adverse weather conditions, rose in price by 35%.

More moderate growth was observed in the categories of cereals, flour, sugar, eggs and meat - from 3 to 10%. At the same time, bakery products rose in price by up to 10%, and meat prices rose by 6-10%.

Reasons for the price increase
The main reasons for the price increase were:

  • Low yield due to late frosts and summer heat.
  • Increasing costs for logistics, storage and electricity.
  • The impact of hostilities, which led to the loss of cultivated areas and storage resources.
  • Exchange rate fluctuations and inflationary pressure.

Due to the increase in prices, Ukrainians increasingly choose cheaper analogues of the usual products. Consumers are switching to lesser-known brands, including private label brands (PLA) of supermarket chains. Promotional goods and long-term storage products are also actively purchased.

Specialists of the "Fora" network note that price stabilization should not be expected in the coming months. The main factors affecting growth remain relevant, in particular: costs for logistics, warehousing and energy resources. The situation may begin to improve only after the new harvest in 2025.

2024 was a difficult year for the Ukrainian consumer: the rise in prices for basic food products, especially for dairy products, vegetables and fruits, prompted citizens to look for more profitable offers. However, given the unstable economic outlook, in the near future Ukrainians will have to adapt significantly to new realities.



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