The draft law from "Voice": the Ukrainian language will become mandatory in the educational space

People's deputy from the "Voice" party Nataliya Pipa initiated the creation of a Ukrainian-speaking environment in the educational space and registered the project of changes to the law "On Education". In a new interview for Glavkom, she spoke in detail about her plans and their goals.

According to the proposed draft law, the state language should be the main language in schools, both during lessons and outside of them. The document also provides for checking students' speaking skills, and the responsibility for creating a Ukrainian-speaking environment rests with teachers and directors of educational institutions.

Pipa notes that she has no illusions that one bill can solve all language problems in schools. According to the 2023-2024 monitoring data, only 41% of students communicate with each other in Ukrainian during lessons and during breaks. This indicates the need for changes, in particular due to the pressure on Ukrainian-speaking children, conflicts and cases of bullying that arise due to language barriers.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine also expressed support for the idea of ​​banning communication in Russian during school breaks. This emphasizes the general tendency to strengthen the Ukrainian language in the educational process and the formation of the national identity of the young generation.



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