Changes in electricity tariffs: what to wait for Ukrainians from May 1 2025

From May 1, 2025, privileges for consumers with electric heating, which use up to 2000 kW/h per month. If the government does not make new decisions, the price for this category will increase to UAH 4.32 per kW/hour.

It is known that the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 632 of May 31, 2024 provides for a preferential tariff for this category of Ukrainians. According to the document, the benefits are valid until April 30, 2025. If the government does not extend them after May 1, this category of consumers will pay at the tariff of UAH 4.32 per kWh.

For the rest of the consumers, after the end of the heating season (April 30), utility tariffs in Ukraine will remain at the same level. Thus, after this period, Ukrainians will continue to pay for electricity 4.32 UAH per 1 kWh.

We will remind, experts predict that in the early summer in Ukraine a significant increase in tariffs for electricity for the population is expected. The cost can increase from the current UAH 4.32 to 6.7 UAH per 1 kWh.



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