Changes in the Labor Code of Ukraine: dismissal without grounds and in one day

The government is actively working on updating the Labor Code. They note that this document has not been reviewed for several decades and it no longer corresponds to modern realities. In order to adapt to modern and European standards, as well as to take into account the war in Ukraine, it is proposed to reform the Code.

One of the initiatives is the addition of a new clause in the section on dismissal of employees. According to it, employers will be able to terminate the contract due to the reason "Mobilization". In addition, numerous other grounds for dismissal are planned to be added, giving employers more power, causing dissatisfaction among workers.

The new Code contains many new clauses that provide grounds for dismissal. In addition, the employer will have the right to terminate the contract without valid reasons, citing a difficult economic situation. However, before such a step, the employee must be warned at least two months in advance and receive monetary compensation.

Experts see certain risks in these innovations, in particular, the possibility of excessive use of these rules by employers. Other reasons for dismissal include showing up to work in a drunken state, absenteeism, and cases of harassment and bullying among employees.

However, there are also clauses that provide some guarantees to employees. For example, in the case of damage or destruction of the premises of the enterprise as a result of hostilities, the employer can terminate the contract after only one month, providing workers with monetary compensation. However, the details of these rules remain unclear.



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