Increasing desertion and disobedience in the Armed Forces: officials sound the alarm

The situation in the Ukrainian Armed Forces threatens with increasing unrest among officials due to the increase in desertion and insubordination. These problems have become especially relevant against the background of the long war with Russia, which has been going on for more than a year. According to the head of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, Stanislav Kravchenko, the situation with refusal to serve and military desertion has become "threatening" and requires an urgent response.

"We haven't analyzed it yet, I can't give specific numbers, but there is a significant trend towards increasing the voluntary abandonment of the part of the population (SZCh)," Kravchenko told reporters on Tuesday in Kyiv, answering questions from the Interfax-Ukraine agency about the trend in crimes related to related to evasion of military service.

According to him, it is also about SZH, desertion and disobeying orders.

Kravchenko did not specify the figure for these crimes, but added that the one reported in the mass media is slightly higher than the real one. Clarifying how threatening the situation is in general, the head of the court said: "Threatening."

Answering a question about what the state, specific departments and the judiciary can do to change the situation for the better, Kravchenko noted that this question should not be addressed to him: "There must be mobilization, general order, but look at the negativity shown by the TCC , "busification" was invented.... The question is patriotic education... it is also necessary to stimulate military personnel with the same salary."



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