An ordinary policeman from Rivne lives the beautiful life of a millionaire

This time, Bohdan Podsokha, a policeman from the city of Rivne, who managed to become the owner of $230,000 in cash, provide his family with luxury brands and send his son to study in London, attracted attention.

Bohdan Podsokha comes from Kharkiv. Until 2017, he worked in the local Department of Economic Protection of the National Police. Later he moved to Sumy. And now he is the head of the Department of Strategic Investigations in the Rivne Region.

Over the past 9 years, the evolution of the police officer's fortune is simply amazing.
03/04/2024 - Dry03/04/2024 - Dry If in the declaration for 2015, Bohdan Podsokha declared $5,500 in cash and 530,000 hryvnias of his wife's cash, then in the financial statements for 2022, Podsokha showed as much as $130,000 of his cash and $100,000 of his wife. Such enrichment can be envied by any businessman, let alone a civil servant. Even when Podsoha moved to work in Sumy in 2018, local journalists wondered how a simple policeman could have such a rich declaration. Then he said that the main breadwinner in their family is his wife, who has a business: "I have nothing to hide. All my wealth and the wealth of my family is declared in my declaration. This money - UAH 3.5 million - was received by my wife last year from the sale of an unfinished house and land plots. She shared this money with me in accordance with the property division agreement. My wife is not a poor person, she is the owner of a media business in Kharkiv and not only Kharkiv regions. She earns about one million hryvnias annually. And this is also reflected in my declaration."

According to data from registers and information from social networks, Anna Podsokha (or Zolochevska, as she identifies herself on Facebook) is the owner of a publication about children's fashion, has an online store selling children's clothes, and also heads the public organization "Slobozhanske Suzirya" . It is unlikely that gloss production in the Kharkiv region can be considered a mega-successful business that brings in millions. As a matter of fact, the sale of clothes of unknown brands.

However, Dior, Balenciaga, Manolo Blanik are what Anna Podsokha prefers in her wardrobe.
03/04/2024 - Dry03/04/2024 - Dry03/04/2024 - Dry The woman looks quite spectacular and does not hide from her followers either her body or her desire to be frank. Some photos are more suitable for the Onlyfans service than for the open page of a policeman's wife. It is worth noting that 10 years ago the woman had a completely different appearance.
03/04/2024 - Dry In the video from the children's festival "Slobojan Constellation" it is extremely difficult to recognize the current Anna Podsokha. It is obvious that with the growth of the family's wealth, the appearance of a female police officer began to change exponentially. In an interview for the Sumy publication in 2018, Bohdan Podsokha said that his wife allegedly earned 3.5 million hryvnias from the sale of an unfinished house. Actually, that's a lie. After all, the garden house of 200 square meters did not disappear from Podsokha's declaration even in 2022, and therefore no one sold it. The same applies to land plots: all of them remain in the family's possession even now.

Now Bohdan Podsokha's wife has changed her last name in social networks to Zolochevska, while he continues to indicate her as Anna Podsokha in his declarations.
03/04/2024 - Dry The answer may lie in the fact that in 2016 the couple had to separate. There are several documents in the court registry that testify that Podsokha filed for divorce and property division. However, it is not clear from the subsequent court documents whether the couple actually broke up and why the woman now runs her social networks under a different name and with such candid photos. Perhaps the shrewd Bohdan Podsokha decided to stay married in order to be able to easily transfer property to a formal wife. In any case, 2023 turned out to be extremely successful for Anna Podsokha, because the woman became the happy owner of an apartment in Rivne.
03/04/2024 - Dry It is in this city, as a reminder, that Bohdan Podsokha, a policeman, is currently working. The apartment is located in the residential complex "On the Happy" and has an area of ​​88 square meters. From the ads for the sale of real estate in this residential complex, you can learn that an apartment twice as small here is worth about 2.5 million hryvnias.
03/04/2024 - Dry So it is obvious that the wife of the Rivne policeman put out much more for her apartment. Although Bohdan Podsokha currently works in Rivne, he maintains good relations with his former colleagues from Sumy.
03/04/2024 - Dry For example, in 2020, he sold a Mercedes car to Andrii Komorny, who worked with him in the Department of Strategic Investigations of the Sumy Region. And in 2022, the Infiniti car registered to Anna Podsokha was sold to Irina Komornia, who, judging by the Sumy police officer's declaration, may be his mother, because they have an apartment in common ownership.
03/04/2024 - Dry03/04/2024 - Dry It is interesting that in November 2021, Bohdan Podsokha was present at the presentation of the new chief of police of Sumy Serhiy Chyzh. Before that, Chyzh worked in Kharkiv - Podsokha's hometown. The mass media wrote that a certain Oleksiy Klitsenko nicknamed "Gymnast" was also seen at this event. He is allegedly the right-hand man of the thief in law Serhii Lysenko, known in the criminal world as "Lyora Sumsky". Journalists wrote that Bohdan Podsoha was one of those who guaranteed the safety of "Gymnast" during his visit to Sumy.

Maybe the policeman's connections with the criminal world are the answer to the question of why his wealth is growing like yeast? And the wife's mega-successful media business is just a beautiful fairy tale to distract the eyes?

Anna and Bohdan Podsoh have a common son, Artur.
03/04/2024 - Dry He is currently studying politics and sociology in London. In one of the podcasts, the young man tells how he dreamed of studying in this city all his life. He also adds that he rents a separate apartment instead of living in a dormitory, as students usually do. Artur Podsokha's social networks show that he leads an active lifestyle, including attending rallies in support of Ukraine. Apparently, the 21-year-old son of a Ukrainian policeman does not have a job in London, so his parents are apparently renting the apartment for him. Bohdan Podsokha currently works as the head of the Department of Strategic Investigations in the Rivne Region. This department also deals with cases related to the amber mafia. According to certain sources, Podsokha is actively involved in the work on amber diggers, although not in terms of fighting them, but rather from a financial point of view. Simply put, for turning a blind eye to semi-criminal topics, Podsokha receives a percentage from the illegal business. Hence tons of cash, and probably the opportunity to buy an apartment, which was registered in July 2023 for his wife Anna Podsokha.

The case of Bohdan Podsokha, which tells about the success of his wife's business, is almost an anecdotal story. In this, he is not inferior to the former head of the Odesa Military Commissariat Yevgeny Borysov, who assured that the villa in Spain was purchased by his successful businesswoman wife. All these examples, unfortunately, prove that corruption in Ukraine flourishes even during the war. And in order for the law enforcement officers to stop talking about the fact that they are getting rich exclusively at the expense of the successes of their relatives, it will take a long time.



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