December 15 in the folk and church calendar: the main traditions of the day

On December 15, according to the new church calendar, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine celebrates:

  • Day of St. Stephen, confessor and archbishop of Suroz
  • Cathedral of the Crimean Saints

This holiday symbolizes honoring all the saints who brought the Christian light to the Crimea, in particular the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, Saint Clement, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Volodymyr, Saint Luka (Voino-Yasenetsky) and many others.

The story of Saint Stephen

Saint Stephen was born in Cappadocia at the end of the 7th century. He was distinguished by deep faith, studied in Constantinople and was ordained as the archbishop of Suroz. Stefan was imprisoned for resisting the iconoclastic heresy, but he remained indomitable. Among the people, he is considered the patron saint of the city of Sudak, and his prayers heal and give hope.

Cathedral of the Crimean Saints

The celebration of the Cathedral of the Crimean Saints was established in 1988, on the millennium of the baptism of Russia. Saint Andrew the First-Called brought Christianity to Crimea in the 1st century, and later numerous saints appeared here, whose exploits glorified this land.

Signs and traditions of Stephen's Day

What do the signs foretell:

  • A lot of snow - a good harvest in summer.
  • Frost patterns on the windows - until early spring.
  • Crows circle over the houses - to bad weather.
  • The cat sleeps all day - expect a harsh winter.

Among the people, this day has always been associated with severe frosts, hence the saying: "Stefan is so cold that birds freeze in flight."

What to do on December 15:

  • Pray to Saint Stephen for health and healing.
  • Help the needy, give alms.
  • Take care of birds by installing feeders.

What to avoid on this day:

  • Quarrels, slander and envy.
  • Laziness and alcohol abuse.
  • Complaining about the cold - it was believed that this could bring diseases.

Angel Day is December 15

Name days are celebrated in a new style: Oleksandr, Vasyl, Hilarion, Stepan, Pavlo.
According to the old style - Stepan, Andriy, Mykola, Ivan, Volodymyr, Kyrylo, Margarita, Serhiy.

On this day, it is important to congratulate close birthday people, wish them health and well-being.

Church holiday according to the old style

According to the Julian calendar, December 15 commemorates the holy prophet Habakkuk, one of the 12 minor prophets of the Old Testament.

The feast of St. Stephen's Day reminds us of the importance of maintaining faith, charity, and good deeds in daily life.



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