The Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and its subordinate structures took place in large -scale development of budget funds, related to entrepreneur Sergei Carsky. He won 285 tenders for photo and video shooting of sports competitions, as well as provided programming services.
According to the statistics of the ProZorro system, FOP Chernih SV He won 285 tenders conducted by the Ministry of Youth and Sports or subordinate structures and sports federations - totaling more than UAH 13 million.
Most of them are small purchases: several thousand or tens of thousands of hryvnias. But with the cadence of Matthew the poor appeared more serious contracts.
In July 2024, the FOP was won in the purchase of UAH 1.67 million, and in January 2025-in the purchase of UAH 2.77 million.
Both agreements relate to the service of the electronic communication system "Online Service for transferring to the public field of the process of assignment of sports ranks from sports officially recognized in Ukraine". Two more transactions - for UAH 1.3 million - signed with the Department of National Teams of Ukraine, the company " and Techno Dreams), owned by Sergey Chernysko together with Alexander Ksenophon, husband of singer Ruslana.
What is wrong with these purchases?
First, the vast majority of tenders in the FOP Chernih did not have competitors, although it provides not unique services-video recording and online broadcasting of sports competitions or computer programming. And even if competition existed, it was fictitious.
The opponent of the FOP Chernih was sometimes the FOP Krot Sergey Anatoliyovych - a person who worked at Stib LLC - a firm owned by the same Cars.
The processes of digitalization in the Ministry of Youth are overseen by Vitaliy Lavrov, countryman and long -time acquaintance of Sergei Carsky. He is now holding the post of Deputy Minister, before that he was a deputy, and even earlier the adviser to the previous corrupt leader Vadim Gutzait.
Until 2014, both - Lavrov and Cherni - worked sports functionaries in Donetsk. In particular, Vitaliy Lavrov headed the Regional Sambo Federation and one of the local Fightzona fighting clubs. And Sergei Chernysko was the Vice President of the Donetsk Basketball Club, which belonged to Bancir Sergey Uncle.
Uncle's name is now associated primarily with bankruptcy "Rodovid Bank". But then the main asset of Union was the Bank of Soyuz, which was actively used for her financial transactions by Viktor Yanukovych's family. And one of Yanukovych's closest attorney, Vasyl Jarta, was overwhelming.
Sergiy Carsky still has a joint business with children of Vasyl Jarta. It is Modern Medical Systems LLC, where the Austrian firm from Vienna Wellmind Invest GmbH (it belongs to Natalia Jarta) is 50%, and 40% is the share of Sergei Carsky and his wife Maria Yegorova (Cherniv). The owner of 10% Yevgeny Matveychuk is also Jarta manager.
Third, Sergei Chernysko not only provides the services of the Ministry of Youth, but also in 2022 was included in the national team of Ukraine in handball as a trainer-operator. Maria Carskaya also counts the spare trainer in this team.
This enabled the couple (although Sergius Cars is not 50 years old) to leave during martial law abroad, for example, to visit two children who are currently studying in Vienna.