January 29 is the Day of Remembrance of Heroes of Krut

Today, Ukraine commemorates the 106th anniversary of the heroic battle of young men near Kruty. This is an important event in the history of the country, which symbolizes the struggle for independence and freedom from external aggression.

Back in 1918, high school students defended Kyiv from the Bolshevik invasion. The youngest was only 16 years old. Although the enemy forces were several times greater, this did not break the young Heroes. The battle lasted for several hours, during which Ukrainian fighters demonstrated extraordinary courage and devotion to their people.

Today, on the day of memory of Heroes of Krut, Ukraine honors the memory of those who died, who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of the country. This holiday is celebrated with various events and ceremonies throughout the country.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, honored the feat of the fallen young Heroes of Krut by placing flowers at the memorial cross to the Heroes of Krut at Askoldova grave in Kyiv. The senior leadership of the military and security forces also joined the commemoration of the Heroes.

This event reminds all Ukrainians of the importance of defending their state and national dignity. The symbolism of the Battle of Kruty remains relevant even today, when Ukraine again faces aggression from Russia.

Every Ukrainian should remember the feat of the Heroes of Krut and pay due respect to those who give their lives for the future of the country. Let their memory be always alive, and their deeds an inspiration for future generations in the struggle for freedom and independence.



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