79% of Ukrainians do not plan to move abroad, even after obtaining US or EU citizenship - KMIS study

According to the results of a new poll conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), 79% of Ukrainians do not plan to leave Ukraine, even if they become citizens of the United States or the European Union. Among young people under 30, this figure is even higher — 74%.

When asked whether they would move to the US or EU countries for permanent residence if they were granted citizenship without conditions, 79% of Ukrainians answered that they would stay at home. At the same time, 19% would move to another country.

Analysts noted that in September 2022, only 7% of Ukrainians said they would move to another country.

KMIS explains that the decrease occurred due to the fact that some people who wanted to move did so against the background of the invasion, as well as due to the growth of patriotism and optimism about the future of Ukraine.

At the same time, in October 2020, 28% of all Ukrainian adults were ready to go live abroad, and 69% wanted to stay at home.


Survey data show that among Ukrainians aged 18 to 29 in 2020, almost half (46%) would like to move abroad. By September 2022, the indicator decreased to 13%, then by September 2024 it increased to 26%.

Although the growth is noticeable, 74% of Ukrainians under the age of 30 still want to stay in Ukraine. A similar trend is typical for people aged 30 to 44, among whom currently 75% do not want to move from Ukraine

- added in KMIS.


KMIS emphasizes that the outflow of the population, especially young Ukrainians, is a chronic Ukrainian problem throughout the years of Independence, which became especially acute after the full-scale invasion.

The demographic situation in Ukraine is certainly complex, as is said by leading Ukrainian experts and foreign institutions.

The results of the survey show that, in fact, the majority of Ukrainians (in particular, Ukrainian men of mobilization age and younger / middle-aged women) want to stay in Ukraine despite all the existing difficulties and risks. The media-wide image of a young man swimming across the Tisza or a young woman going to Europe to live a better life is not representative of the men and women of Ukraine. Undoubtedly, there are problems, but Ukrainians keep faith in Ukraine, keep faith in a better future and demonstrate readiness to stay and work to achieve the dream future

- said the executive director of KMIS, Anton Hrushetskyi. 


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