An 88-year-old grandfather presented an official of the State Tax Service with more than 20 million hryvnias

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NACP) found serious violations in the declarations and financial transactions of the deputy head of the Main Department of the State Tax Service (SST) in the city of Kyiv. According to NAZK, he was found to have illegally enriched over 20 million hryvnias and failed to declare over 5 million hryvnias.

It is noted that these facts were established based on the results of a full inspection of the declaration for 2021, when the tax official held the position of head of the Internal Security Department of the Main Department of the State Fiscal Service in the Kyiv region.

In his declaration, the official indicated that, together with his wife, during the reporting period, he used an apartment and two parking spaces in the Pechersk district of the capital, the cost of which is unknown to him.

At the same time, the audit established that these objects were purchased by the official's father-in-law and mother-in-law for more than UAH 16 million in 2021, while their total income from confirmed sources since 1998 was slightly more than UAH 1.7 million. Contracts were concluded on behalf of the mother-in-law by the official's wife on the basis of a power of attorney.

During a full inspection, the official explained that the apartment and the parking space were bought by the father-in-law and mother-in-law with the funds donated by the 88-year-old grandfather. It is about more than UAH 20 million.

In addition, the said grandfather allegedly gave the official's wife another 5 million UAH, which was $175,000 in cash in the declaration.

As the NAZK notes, the sources of origin of more than 25 million hryvnias, grandfather named savings from income received from wages, sale of immovable and movable property, collection of ancient coins, icons and precious metals. At the same time, he did not provide any documents that would confirm the fact of the sale of property and receipt of income.

"The explanations of the official and his relatives regarding the sources of origin of the funds were subjected to reasonable doubt and were not taken into account during the inspection," the message reads.

Based on the results of the inspection, the NAKC drew up substantiated conclusions according to Art. 368-5 (illegal enrichment) and Part 1 of Art. 366-2 of the Criminal Procedure Code (introduction of notoriously inaccurate information to the declaration) and referred them to the State Bureau of Investigation.



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