Today, Ukrainians commemorate the memory of a prominent poet, artist and public figure Taras Shevchenko, who was born on March 9, 1814.
Taras Shevchenko's birthday
For 47 years of life, Taras Shevchenko stayed for 24 years in serfdom, 10 at exile, and the rest under the supervision of gendarmes. But, nevertheless, he was able to prove himself as a versatile gifted artist - poet, prose writer, playwright, artist.
Taras Shevchenko's works have been translated into more than a hundred languages.
In the spiritual history of Ukraine, Shevchenko has taken the exceptional place unconditionally. The importance of his creative heritage for Ukrainian culture is difficult to overestimate.
One of the 300 craters of Mercury is named Taras Grigorovich. The diameter of the crater TG Shevchenko is 137 kilometers.
At least 1,384 Shevchenko's well -known monuments are erected on the territory from Brazil to China. The majority - 1256, located in Ukraine, almost one and a half hundred are located in 35 countries. Today, 164 settlements in Ukraine are named after Taras Shevchenko.
Other holidays
Barbie's birthday is also celebrated in the world today .
Barbie first appeared at the Children's Goods Fair in New York (1959). It was developed by Ruth Hendler, a Mattel stenographer. It is believed that the prototype of the famous doll was Bield Lilly, the heroine of erotic comics published in the newspaper Bild Zeitung (Germany). The "models" dolls depicted by Lilly were largely reminiscent of Barbie's early models. It was called "predecessors" and popular in the 40-50's. Paper dolls with many different outfits-according to Hendler, as a child, her daughter Barbara (in honor of which was named Barbie) often "played with girlfriends in the doll; These were paper "adult" dolls, and the girls imagined themselves in "adulthood" by girls, then business women, moms. Usually there was a need for dolls that could introduce young ladies to many sides so attractive to them of adults. ”
The first Barbie cost 3 dollars, was dressed in a black and white striped swimsuit (doll dresses had to be bought separately), she was pulled into a "horse tail" with blond hair and black eyes.
In addition, on March 9, there are other holidays in the world: home insect Day , International DJ Day .
March 9 is also the day of overcoming . However, how to overcome obstacles and move forward.
Church holidays and birthdays
Birthdays on March 9 in Ivan, Hilarion, Sophron.
As for the church holidays, the Orthodox tradition of March 9 honors John the Baptist, which is also called the holiday "acquisition", or "Ivan's Day", "Networking", "Bird Slow", "Bird Day" and more.
It was believed that it was March 9 that the first storks and larks could be seen. People said: "On the acquisition of the birds seek nests, children for bread, and the husband for affairs and wife."
The peasants knew that to see these birds - fortunately and luck for the whole year. On March 9, they had already started cooking and hanging them on trees.