Scam on the front: Slavyansk was detained by a military man who issued himself as a SBU employee

Employees of the State Bureau of Investigation, with the assistance of the Security Service of Ukraine, exposed and detained a serviceman who in Slavyansk Donetsk region issued himself for an employee of the SBU to lure money from a friend.

As the investigation was established, the man represented the intelligence agent and, using this status, tried to receive monetary benefits. He was exposed during the transfer of funds.

The DBR informs about it.

The military learned that an administrative protocol for traffic violations was drawn up on a familiar woman. He assured her that he was an employee of the SBU and could help to avoid responsibility. For this service he asked for $ 4,000, explaining the amount of allegedly "high levels of agreements" with law enforcement officials.

Subsequently, the "help" turned into a frank extortion - the person involved began to put a psychologically press on the woman and threaten her to "fit" on his proposal.

DBR employees detained it at UAH 4.2 thousand.

The serviceman was informed about the suspicion under Part 3 of Art. 369-2 of the Criminal Code (obtaining an undue benefit for themselves for influencing the decision of an official combined with extortion).

The sanction of the article provides up to 8 years in prison with confiscation of property.

The suspect is currently chosen by a pre -trial detention measure with the possibility of bail.



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