Andriy Danylko explained his appeal to Alla Pugacheva at the festival in Jurmala: "I love her"

Ukrainian artist Andriy Danylko, known for his stage image of Verka Serdyuchka, recently attracted the public's attention with his statement made during a performance at the Laima Vaikule festival in Jurmala. In particular, Danylko addressed the Russian singer Alla Pugacheva, who was present at the event, expressing his personal sympathy for her.

In an interview with "Y gryanul Graham", the artist said that his appeal to the diva was not a sensation, because it is no secret that he treats her well.

"What's the sensation? I said goodbye to the person I love from the stage. We had a great time together. We starred in the New Year's musical "After Two Hares", a wonderful period. We are used to each other. I always had a human attitude towards her. I never climbed, but before the song "There is an offer" Inna ("Verka Serdyuchka's mother") gave me a bouquet... And what kind of sensation is this?" Danylko wondered.

He added that Pugacheva could have stayed in Russia and lived well there, but she chose a more difficult path - to leave and denounce the Kremlin's criminal regime. According to Danylko, this is an act of a strong man.

"On the one hand, they lived beautifully, they could keep silent, sit in a castle, as many think, but no. No matter what they say, I'm on her side. It is in relation to Ukraine... This is such a blow to Putin's Russia, its position. They (Russians - editor's note) cannot calm down," the artist added.



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