Oligarch Andriy Verevsky, the owner of Kernel Agro Holding, was at the Center for Financial Scandal. According to information, he allegedly withdrew considerable funds through the company "Nuclear-Torg" and "Nuclear Trade". In addition, its actions led to the loss of the State Budget of Ukraine in the amount of UAH 1.5 billion due to unpaid taxes, as well as deprived the shareholders of "Kernel" of their legal rights to property.
About it writes Anticor.
In May 2024, cynically thoughtful promotional carousels began. Andriy Verevsky is not publicly, through the false companies he produces 216 million Kernel. The price of the stock is falling quickly. At the Warsaw Stock Exchange from 43 to 1 PLN, that is, almost zero. Expected exchange panic, investors are massively dropping stocks. As a result, Verevsky buys the necessary 50% of the shares and becomes the full owner of Kernel and a monopolist for oil supply.
This is a chat of deceived investment brokers, more than 500 of them. Each had a package of at least 100,000 shares.
Each day former Kernel shareholders count how much their shares would cost today, and today they cost 23 zlotys today, that is, 243 hryvnias for the share. The lowest package of Verevsky stock of stocks already costs 243 thousand hryvnias, and sold shareholders for 23 thousand hryvnias. Investors are now being considered by the court in Luxembourg.
While the court is coming, Verevsky will properly load the oil produced through the ports of Odessa and Odessa region. From May 2024 to March 2025, Kernel has officially made only 13 oil supplies. It is very, very suspiciously little for the oil monopolist and one of the leading world supplies.
In just a year, Ukraine made 153 thousand deliveries of sunflower oil by sea. To analyze each delivery we used the Importgenius system, it provides data on importers and products, it can be considered an official base, even without a Balker event at the US port. This base is mainly used by customs brokers, the importers themselves to keep track of the supply of competitors and shareholders of companies (such as those who were thrown by Mr. Verevsky at the stocks) to analyze the market demand.
750 thousand tons of oil were removed from the ports of the south of Ukraine in the period from May 2024 to March 2025, of which Kernel shipped only 325 tons. Each of the 153 thousand deliveries has to be checked manually, it is a ton of information. But only in this way can the so -called "left cargo" be detected. Special attention should be paid to supplists with unknown names, or a common word in the title. And here on the supply market in the system are new players "Nucleus-Trade" and "Nuclear-Torg".
As you can see on the chart, each company made only one delivery and just disappeared.
Of course, it can be assumed that a new player came to the monopolized market, could not compete with such a giant as Kernel and curtailed the business. But that in the "nucleus", which in the "nucleus-Torg" the place of registration indicates: Kyiv, lane of Taras Shevchenko, 3. The Kernel group was registered at the same address. Coincidence? .. Don't think ...
Now let's look at the calculation for sending. Kernel's official deliveries were paid by a bilingual check, that is, a company's check. Delivery of "nucleus" and "nucleus" with a simple check, that is, from a map to the map.
If you explain the port schemes in simple words, it looks like this: "Throw 26 tons of oil on Istanbul, we have a non -cash, just friends abroad and oil on pies needed." When the cargo is delivered - the firm disappears, as if it were not. There were 215 related to Kernel. 215 for 24-26 tons, each shipment has its own tax. From sending by a simple check, the tax is taken when the cargo is delivered, that is, in the fact of the execution of the order. But here the companies from which you can take the tax is canceled, simply disappears from the port registry, as if it had never existed. It is impossible to take a tax from a non-existent firm, and a company that actually created the company-launch such as "nucleus-pass" remains in the net profit. 215 shipments without tax is about UAH 1.5 billion.
By this time, about 75 thousand tons of sunflower oil are waiting for loading in the ports of southern Ukraine. These cargoes have already been put into the Importcenius base, some have already passed a simple check, as well as from the card to the map. All these cargoes should get out of the ports by the end of March. That is, NABU, Bab and AMCU still has time to check the companies responsible for delivery. Until they disappeared, as the "nucleus" and "nucleus", and Ukraine did not remain without a large piece of tax duty again.
And for Andrei Verevsky, it turned out that becoming a billionaire forbs simply as oil, you need to throw shareholders, become a monopolist and simply not pay taxes. And then a long and long time to cry, how difficult it is to survive a simple business in war.