The occupiers will prepare for new offensive actions in the summer of 2024

Military analysts from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) predict that the Russian occupiers may continue offensive actions to destabilize Ukrainian defense lines in the spring of 2024, and...

Yesterday's rocket attack on Odesa became the most massive in terms of the number of victims

The rocket attack that took place in Odesa on March 15 became the most massive in terms of the number of victims. According to data, 20 people died due to the Russian attack, which...

Stepanchuk commented on the cancellation of the Council meetings: the two factions have lost constructiveness in the dialogue

Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk, reported that last week's plenary sessions of the parliament were canceled due to threats from the "European Solidarity" and "Holos" factions to delay...

Ukraine can no longer send five biathletes to the stages of the World Cup

The unsuccessful performance of the Ukrainian men's biathlon team at the World Cup has consequences for future competitions. According to the updated policy, from next season Ukraine will have...

Ex-head of the Ministry of Defense Liev was released on bail: he appears in the case of embezzlement of 1.5 billion for the Armed Forces

The higher anti-corruption court made changes to the preventive measure against the former head of the department of the Ministry of Defense Oleksandr Liev, releasing him on personal recognizance. Together with him...


"Poor" Vice -Rector? The wife of the State Tax University's official holds over $ 150,000 in cash

Financial well -being of the Vice -Rector of the State Tax University of Dmitry Ventzkovsky ...

Housing mystery of the exclusive of the SCCS Elena Ponomarenko: Business Class real estate and an unknown source of income

The expert of the Secretariat of the High Qualifications Commission of Judges (CCCS) Elena Ponomarenko ...

The Secrets of the Exaffit of the Ukrainian Danube Swamping: Untwidmed Trip

Former head of PJSC "Ukrainian Danube Shipping" Dmitry Chaly is not ...

Millionaire in the Unemployment Service: As Director of the Kiev Employment Center declared $ 1 million in cash

Director of the Kyiv City Employment Center Dmitry Novitsky, who heads ...

Weather in Ukraine March 19: snow, rain and heavy wind in some regions

Today the weather in Ukraine will be changing: in the part of the regions ...

By the end of the week in Ukraine warms up to +14 ° C

After the cold Wednesday, March 19, the real one will begin in Ukraine ...

What a holiday today, who celebrates the birthday and what cannot be done

Church holiday today Orthodox Christians honor the memory of Archbishop Cyril of Jerusalem ....