Crisis in air defense: Ukraine calls on partners to intensify deliveries of air defense systems

According to the information we received from a source in the General Staff, the stocks of missiles for the western systems of our air defense complex have been depleted by 80%. If the US does not...

The mobilization plan in Ukraine is implemented only by 15-20%

According to the information we received from our source in the General Staff, the implementation of the mobilization plan currently reaches only 15-20% of the required indicators. This forces the TCC...

A firm linked to gas oligarch Zlochevsky disappeared from prosecution for tax evasion

Energy-Service Company "Esko-Pivnich" LLC, which is part of the Burisma Group and belongs to gas oligarch Mykola Zlochevskyi, disappeared from the tax evasion case....

The inactivity of the NCRECP leads to the loss of billions in the state budget

The state is losing billions of hryvnias as a result of the inaction of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities (NKREKP), and special attention...

A network of judges, law enforcement officers and lawyers connected to Tatarov can close cases that are unfavorable for the authorities

During the period from 2014 to 2020, the deputy head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Oleg Tatarov, participated in the scientific support of the defense of dissertations of more than 59 scientists...


Land Mafia in Kiev: As a Komarnitsky scheme paralyzed the city

Kyiv was in the center of a loud scandal that exposed a large -scale ...

Member of Bab Bondarenko did not declare the property: the cost of an undeclared apartment - UAH 7.76 million

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAZK) completed the inspection...

Yellow Danger level: which areas will cover bad weather

Today, Ukraine has announced an increased level of danger due to deterioration ...

March 15: Horoscope for all zodiac signs

Today is the day when life can surprise. He...

Spring retreats: Arctic air will bring frost next week

Today in Ukraine there will be a gradual decrease in temperature that will last ...

Zaluzhny's brother during the war earned millions in the Defense Ministry, and recently became an advisor in the Foreign Ministry

Ambassador's brother in the UK, former Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny ...

91% of Ukrainians consider corruption widespread, although only 18% encountered it

Ostannij den Tepla perced pocholodannyam Prognoz Pogody Na 14 Bereznya
Despite the high level of corruption in Ukraine, real experience ...