The Supreme Court has scheduled a meeting for June 18 to consider the appeal against the verdict, which sentenced the former judge of the Babushkin District Court of Dnipro Andrii Leonov to 11...
The draft law, which has already passed the first reading and may soon be considered in the second reading, provides for the introduction of an online property register for cities and other territorial...
The trust of Ukrainian citizens in the Yedyni Novyny telethon continues to decrease. According to the latest survey data of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, only 36% of respondents believe the information that...
In his declaration for 2022, Serhiy Taruta announced the presence of significant financial assets and real estate in his possession. In particular, at his disposal is...
According to our source in the President's Office, the draft law on mobilization will be submitted for consideration in the second reading with changes, after the deputies have...