The wife and children of the anti-corruption activist Shabunin left for the USA during the war and receive social assistance as refugees

The wife and children of Vitaliy Shabunin, the head of the "Anti-Corruption Center" in Ukraine, are abroad during the war in the country. According to his annual declaration...

Strengthening of mobilization adopted by the Council in the first reading: Ombudsman expressed concern about unconstitutional aspects

Today, February 7, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the first reading the draft law on strengthening mobilization. The vote provoked lively discussions among political colleagues and the public. For government...

"Reporters without borders" called on the government of Ukraine to abandon the telethon "Edyny Novyny"

The international organization "Reporters without Borders" calls on the government of Ukraine to stop participating in the joint telethon "One News", which, according to them, threatens the diversity of views in the media space. IN...

Austria has refused to extradite the ex-head of the NBU Kyril Shevchenko

The court in Austria refused to extradite the ex-head of the National Bank of Ukraine Kyryll Shevchenko to Ukraine, where he is suspected of involvement in the loss of more than 200 million...

How the Council legalized posthumous paternity for military personnel and its application to all Ukrainians

The Verkhovna Rada adopted a new procedure that will allow men and women, even non-military personnel, to become parents after death. According to the innovation, partners of the deceased will be able to use...


Spring heat continues: weather forecast in Ukraine on March 10

On Monday, March 10, Ukraine is expected to decrease, ...

How to protect animals from ticks: Veterinarian advice

With the onset of heat, ticks are activated, which pose a serious threat ...

In Odessa, the military was exposed to the army release scheme for $ 12,000

In Odessa, law enforcement officers exposed a corruption scheme for which the military ...

The most favorite holidays of Ukrainians are research

Despite difficult times, traditional religious holidays - Christmas and ...

Love horoscope on March 10-16: Testing of feelings and fateful meetings

This week, Dawn prepared a lot of trials for lovers. Relationships ...

MSEC Victor Vlasyuk's doctor owns 13 apartments and his boss - dozens of land plots

In Vinnitsa, another scandal broke over the officials of medical and social expert ...

The scandalous release of the Khmelnytskyi prosecutor's office: Alexei Oliynyk received 710 thousand UAH “on the track”

Kolishnyi prosecutor of Khmelnytsky region Alexey Oliynyk got into the next ...