Sentence in the amount of 40,000 hryvnias for adjournment: the court's decision regarding the head of the TCC

In the Kirovohrad region, the head of the local TCC, who was accused of abuse of office, was recently sentenced. According to the Unified Register of Court Decisions, the crime occurred in...

The National Bank predicts an increase in inflation in 2024

According to the quarterly report of the National Bank of Ukraine, the recovery of the Ukrainian economy will slow down to 3.6% this year. During the first months of 2024, inflation in the country...

Russian troops expanded their positions in the city of Avdiyivka, causing street battles

On the northern outskirts of Avdiivka, the Russian military established their units, taking positions on one of the streets. According to estimates, they are located at a distance of about one and a half kilometers...

The State Register of Sanctions began to operate in Ukraine: why is it needed?

The State Register of Sanctions entered into force in Ukraine, which currently includes information on 17,202 individuals and legal entities subject to sanctions. About this...

Ukraine will create the National Joint Stock Company "Water of Ukraine"

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Ruslan Strilets, emphasized that the creation of the Water of Ukraine JSC will contribute to the implementation of open and effective monitoring of the state of water resources...


In Odessa, the military was exposed to the army release scheme for $ 12,000

In Odessa, law enforcement officers exposed a corruption scheme for which the military ...

The most favorite holidays of Ukrainians are research

Despite difficult times, traditional religious holidays - Christmas and ...

Love horoscope on March 10-16: Testing of feelings and fateful meetings

This week, Dawn prepared a lot of trials for lovers. Relationships ...

MSEC Victor Vlasyuk's doctor owns 13 apartments and his boss - dozens of land plots

In Vinnitsa, another scandal broke over the officials of medical and social expert ...

The scandalous release of the Khmelnytskyi prosecutor's office: Alexei Oliynyk received 710 thousand UAH “on the track”

Kolishnyi prosecutor of Khmelnytsky region Alexey Oliynyk got into the next ...

Who has the right to wear pixel in Ukraine and who may be fined

In Ukraine, wearing a military form is governed by law, and far ...

Spring Warming: What will be the weather in Ukraine on March 9

In Ukraine, March 9 expected real spring weather –...