The SAP is going to send the indictment to the court in the case of Bakhmatyuk and Nasirov

After February 1, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office plans to submit an indictment to the court against oligarch Oleh Bakhmatyuk in the case of illegal benefits related to bribery,...

Plea agreement: the court made a decision in Skuratovskyi's case

The decision of the district court on the approval of the plea agreement concluded with the former director of the Cherkasy branch of the Expert and Technical Center "Status" LLC Rimma Bohun, in the case of the former...

Kyiv repels a new missile strike from the Russian army. There are victims

On the morning of December 11, Russian troops attempted to carry out an air strike on Kyiv, but all the missiles were successfully shot down. This is reported in the statement of the Kyiv City...

What did Zelensky and Orban talk about in Argentina?

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, said that he had a "maximum open" dialogue with the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, during the inauguration ceremony of the newly elected president of Argentina. About...

Optimism versus Realism. Why there is a crisis of confidence in the authorities in Ukraine

The Ukrainian authorities are conducting a communication strategy aimed at maintaining optimism in the country and at the international level, which, according to the Financial Times, leads to a split between...


The hard winter will be a challenge for Ukrainians during the war

With the arrival of winter, Ukrainians are preparing for new challenges that...

The deputy of the Kyiv City Council urges Kyiv residents not to complain about communal services

Residents of the capital should come to terms with a possible decrease in the quality of communal...

Ukrainians face long blackouts due to Russian shelling

The upcoming winter promises to be difficult for Ukraine due to massive...

Forecasters predict an unexpectedly warm October in Ukraine

October 2024 in Ukraine will be warmer than usual,...

What does the Kyiv authorities do to ensure life during a blackout

In Kyiv, even in the worst scenarios of the winter season, the boiler room,...

Ludomania epidemic in Ukraine

In Ukraine, 8.5% of the population admitted that they played in online casinos...

Violations of human rights in Ukrainian prisons can have consequences for international relations and extradition

The British publication Daily Express published an article highlighting...