In the village of Katerynopil, Cherkasy region, an incident occurred on May 30, when unknown persons threw an explosive device into the yard of the house of a sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who works...
The information campaign against Gizo Uglava, the first deputy head of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), aims to "reboot" the Bureau, favorable for the initiators of media attacks. About this...
In June 2024, decisions may be made regarding the increase of some taxes and excise duties in Ukraine, but the real growth of deductions to the budget may...
Ukraine and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have reached a staff-level agreement on the fourth review of the four-year Enhanced Financing Facility (EFF), paving the way for...
On the night of June 1, Russia carried out a massive attack on Ukraine. Tu-95MS bombers launched cruise missiles, there were also missile launches (probably "Caliber") from the sea,...