Over the past week, Ukrainian drones have struck two Russian Voronezh-M nuclear early warning radar stations. These stations located in Armavir (Krasnodar...
According to the information provided by the mass media, the vice-presidents of the Boxing Federation of Ukraine, Oleh Ilchenko, who currently acts as the president, and Oleksandr Manchak, were declared unfit for...
Taxes may increase significantly in Ukraine in the near future. The Ministry of Finance is already working on a new draft law, which provides for an increase in value added tax (VAT) and...
The National Bank of Ukraine continues to refrain from active actions on the foreign exchange market, despite the rapid appreciation of the dollar, which has been ongoing since last week. The rate of the American currency is actively...
Government Resolution No. 560, which regulates the issue of deferment from military service, caused numerous discussions and criticism due to the lack of specific grounds for refusal. This creates...