Telegram for Ukraine: between cyber security and personal information protection

The head of the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security under the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, Ihor Solovei, expressed indignation about the use of the Telegram messenger in Ukraine, comparing...

The battle for Chasiv Yar begins: challenge and possible consequences

The newspaper "Kyiv Independent" recorded the beginning of a tense situation in the city of Chasiv Yar, which is considered the gateway to the agglomeration of four cities in the east of Ukraine - from Kostyantynivka...

Lieutenant "Bandit": New Command and Strategy of Special Operations Forces

The Ukrainian Armed Forces once again surprised the world with their extraordinaryness and courage, when the lieutenant took command of the Ranger battalion in the conditions of a full-scale conflict with the aggressor. His nickname is...

New rules for determining fitness for military service in Ukraine

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine made changes to the procedure for determining fitness for military service. The new order contains specific criteria that take into account health and serviceability...

The first mass grave of soldiers who died in the war with the Russian Federation appeared in Ukraine

The first mass grave of soldiers who gave their lives in the fight against Russian aggression appeared in Chernivtsi. 16 military personnel died as a result of an air raid on March 11, 2022...


Weather in Ukraine March 17: Wet snow, rains and ice

Pogoda v ukrayini 16 Bereznya doshhhi na shodi teplo na pivdni
In Ukraine, March 17 is expected cloudy weather with clarification ....

Super-Mama handed over to the prosecutor: the luxurious life of the Deputy Head of the Specialized Environmental Prosecutor's Office became the subject of investigation

Pogoda v ukrayini 16 Bereznya doshhhi na shodi teplo na pivdni
The General Inspectorate of the Prosecutor General's Office started checking the deputy head of the specialized ...

Secret Agreement: As corrupt officials stole Odessa Airport and avoided punishment

Pogoda v ukrayini 16 Bereznya doshhhi na shodi teplo na pivdni
Ukrainian anti -corruption bodies have concluded an agreement with the persons involved in the loud business ...

The scandalous businessman Pavlyuchenko dismantled a military runway in Poltava region: 70 million losses

Pogoda v ukrayini 16 Bereznya doshhhi na shodi teplo na pivdni
The infamous Poltava businessman Alexander Pavlyuchenko (Sasha Bracelet) illegally ...

Weather in Ukraine March 16: Rain in the east, heat in the south

Pogoda v ukrayini 16 Bereznya doshhhi na shodi teplo na pivdni
Today, Ukraine is under the influence of heterogeneous weather conditions: in ...

Medium -sized Spring Spring Smartphones 2025: What are the models available in Ukraine?

Middle -class smartphones have long ceased to be a compromise. By...

Land Mafia in Kiev: As a Komarnitsky scheme paralyzed the city

Kyiv was in the center of a loud scandal that exposed a large -scale ...