Blocking Ukrainian chatbots on Telegram: A new stage in the fight for freedom of information

Ukrainian chatbots, in particular those belonging to the State Security Service and the Security Service of Ukraine, have become the object of blocking on the Telegram platform. This step, according to the chairman of the committee on freedom of speech...

Corruption in Ukraine: a serious threat and the reaction of the international community

Corruption remains one of the biggest problems facing Ukraine, and recent events only underscore the seriousness of this problem. The State Department of the United States of America, in its...

The head of the Brovary RDA hit four people at the crossing

The National Police gave the first official comment on the road accident in Brovary, where the head of the local RDA hit four people at the crossing. The police confirm that the official "did not stop at...

Football player Danylo Ignatenko is accused of racist remarks

The candidate for the Ukrainian national football team, Danylo Ignatenko, found himself under a great stir due to accusations of racist remarks during a match in the French League...

Comfy reports pressure from the tax authorities: acts worth almost 700 million

Today, Comfy, one of the leading retail electronics chains in Ukraine, has two criminal cases. The Tax Service has issued certificates for the amount of almost 700 million...


91% of Ukrainians consider corruption widespread, although only 18% encountered it

Ostannij den Tepla perced pocholodannyam Prognoz Pogody Na 14 Bereznya
Despite the high level of corruption in Ukraine, real experience ...

March 14: What holidays celebrate in Ukraine and the world

Ostannij den Tepla perced pocholodannyam Prognoz Pogody Na 14 Bereznya
Today is of particular importance for Ukrainians because it combines ...

Last day of heat before cold: weather forecast on March 14

Ostannij den Tepla perced pocholodannyam Prognoz Pogody Na 14 Bereznya
Before the weekend in Ukraine will continue moderate warming in the southern ...

Kyivzelenbud Officer received housing during the war

Deputy CEO of Kyivzelenbud on Landscape Architecture and ...

Komarnitsky businessman fled and his people in Kiev remain unpunished

Scandalous businessman and unofficial "watch" for Kiev Denis Komarnitsky ...

On weekends in Ukraine are expected frost and wet snow

The weekend of March 15-16 will bring a significant cold to Ukraine. By...

Officials with NERCEP, NAPC and CEC receive from 217 thousand UAH per month

Despite the war and the difficult economic situation, the salaries of Ukrainian civil servants ...