Law enforcement officers reported suspicion to three men who participated in the conflict that ended with a fatal shooting in a hotel on Pechersk in Kyiv. This is informed by...
In the capital, a 71-year-old pensioner was robbed in the elevator of a residential building. The intruder stole a bag with personal belongings from the man. This is reported by the Main Directorate of the National Police...
Chinese scientists have made a discovery that could change our understanding of the factors that influence longevity. They found that the bile acid produced by the liver, in particular...
Ukrainian designers are actively working on the creation of a new long-range missile-drone called "Trembita", which can hit a target at long distances, in particular, deep in the territory...
In 2024, Ukraine received a record amount of direct budget support from international partners - 41.7 billion dollars. This aid came without taking into account military support....