According to information obtained by Reuters, Indian artillery shells that were supposed to be sent to other countries were diverted by European buyers to Ukraine. It...
Two new aeration units were installed on the Desna River near the village of Lytka, Brovarsky district, Kyiv region. This step is part of the continuous monitoring and improvement of environmental...
Oleksiy Chernyshov, the current chairman of Naftogaz, strangely avoided a search by NABU this summer, despite direct instructions from the director of the National Anti-Corruption Agency. We became...
Lawyer Volodymyr Bogatyr analyzes the effectiveness of the management of ARMA's seized assets and raises the question of the legality of such decisions from the point of view of protecting public interests and the rights of owners. Agency...
Yesterday, Ukrainian forces delivered a powerful attack on the arsenal of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense (GRAU) near the city of Toropets in the Tver region. As a result of the attack...