The Ukrainian currency is undervalued by 49.5% compared to the actual exchange rate of UAH 41.05/dollar, according to the updated Big Mac Index for July 2024, published by The...
On Saturday, August 3, 2024, in the city of Kovel, Volyn region, a protest action took place near the premises of the territorial procurement center (TCC). Outraged residents gathered near...
The health of our bones is the basis for an active and long life. Strong bones not only provide stability and mobility, but also reduce the risk of fractures and...
The famous Ukrainian singer Tina Karol impressed her fans with new photos from the military training camp for civilians - Reservist Camp. Pictures posted on her official…
The Russian authorities have officially launched a railway line connecting Rostov-on-Don with occupied Mariupol. This project is part of efforts to improve transport infrastructure in the occupied territories...