On the evening of December 30, a tragic accident occurred near the village of Nastashyne, Ivano-Frankivsk region, which claimed the lives of five people, including two minors. The collision of a BMW passenger car...
According to Ukrainian legislation, men of mobilization age are obliged to keep military records, even while abroad. In case of violation of this obligation, a fine in the amount of...
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine appointed Philip Pronin as the new head of the State Financial Monitoring Service, replacing Ihor Cherkasky in this position. This happened after the government...
December 31 is a day with a rich religious and folk context. Today, Saint Melania of Rome and Saint Peter's Tomb are commemorated in a new style. Simultaneously...
The last day of 2024 in Ukraine will pass without precipitation and snow drifts. The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center predicts positive temperatures in most of the country. It will give you a feeling...