Tomorrow, the Verkhovna Rada will vote on the water tax. People's Deputy of Ukraine Yaroslav Zheleznyak wrote about this in his Telegram channel "Iron People's Deputy". "Tomorrow at the meeting...
The regulator proposes to switch to a single electricity tariff for industrial and household consumers. What are the consequences of this? This was told by the Doctor of Economic Sciences, the head of energy...
Donald Trump can win the presidential election in November 2024. Possible consequences for Ukraine and international politics are analyzed by political commentator Roman Shryk in...
Law enforcement agencies informed Volodymyr Serdynskyi of the suspicion of the judge of the Brovary City District Court of the Kyiv region, who, according to sources, forged documents in order to go on vacation to...
The state stopped financing the construction of fortifications to protect power plants and substations. This step raised many questions: why did this happen and who is responsible for it? About this...