An extraordinary incident took place in Chernivtsi, when a man decided to take a radical way to evade military service, jumping out of the window of the building of the territorial procurement center and...
In Kyiv, the police exposed a group of young men who decided to follow the example of the scandalous Russian TV series "Slovo patsana. Kpov na asphalti". Criminals organized an attack on a 16-year-old boy,...
Russia's recent progress around the southern village of Robotyne is sobering for Ukraine amid declining Western military aid. Russia returned the lands that the Ukrainian troops had won back with difficulty...
Persimmon, which Ukrainians are used to meeting in the cold season, attracts with its bright orange color and is not only tasty, but also useful for health....
The world of beauty and skin care is always looking for new, effective products to maintain youth and attractiveness. Recently, flax seeds have gained popularity as...