Australian scientists have found an easy way to reduce the risk of death

New studies have shown that regular egg intake can reduce the risk of death and cardiovascular disease in the elderly. Australian scientists at the University of Monash have analyzed the habits of more than 8 700 people from 70 years and older, and the results of their observations are striking.

According to a study published in Nutrients , those who consume 1 to 6 eggs per week have:

  • 20% less risk of death for any reason;
  • at 29% less risk of cardiovascular disease.

It is interesting that even among people with high cholesterol (dyslipidemia), moderate egg intake was useful: the risk of death from cardiovascular disease in this group was lower by 27%.

Why are eggs so useful?

Eggs are a real superbe. They are rich in:

  • the protein required for the muscles;
  • B vitamins that support energy and nervous system;
  • fat -soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K);
  • Choline, which is important for brain;
  • unsaturated fatty acids that have a positive effect on the heart.

Despite prolonged controversy over the effects of eggs on cholesterol, this study confirms that moderate egg consumption is useful even for people with high cholesterol.

Experts advise to consume eggs in different variants: boiled, omelets or eggs. They are easy to adapt to any diet and help make your diet more nutritious.

The study confirms that a healthy diet is not necessarily complicated or expensive. Only 1-6 eggs per week can be a step to a longer and healthier life. This again emphasizes how important the proper nutrition is to maintain health, especially in older age.



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