From 2025, passing basic military training will become a mandatory component of education for all students of higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The innovation provides that students who do not pass this stage of preparation or refuse to take the oath will not be able to continue their studies at universities.
Deputy Minister of Defense Brigadier General of Justice Serhiy Melnyk announced this in an interview recorded by the Ministry of Education and Culture
"I want to emphasize that it (BZVP - ed.) is mandatory for everyone. And if students cannot pass the exam according to some principles, for example, or they pass it "unsatisfactorily", if they refuse to take the military oath, they will not be able to study at higher educational institutions in the future."
According to the changes being introduced, citizens who do not have a BZVP and want to get a job for the first time will not be able to get a job in public service bodies, in local self-government bodies and prosecutor's offices.
Citizens who do not pass the BZVP will have to undergo basic military service, Melnyk added.
It will be taught from the 2nd year, training will include 90 academic hours of theory and 210 hours of practice in the centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other institutions.
All students, both men and women, must pass theory. The practical course is mandatory only for men who are fit for military service due to their health. Women will practice only at their own will and after passing a medical examination.
Upon completion of this program, students will take a military oath, receive a certificate and a military accounting specialty.