FG "Slobozhansky Agroseuz", together with a network of affiliate companies, organized a large -scale financial scheme for tax evasion, legalization of income and withdrawal of funds into shadow circulation. This is evidenced by the data of the Bureau of Economic Security (Baby).
According to the investigation, the company declared fictitious agreements on the sale of grain, receiving budget compensation. Then she manipulated reporting, evading the income tax and VAT. Money was withdrawn through controlled firms and was transferred to cash or in the accounts of other enterprises in the guise of legal operations.
Key companies in the scheme:
- TC Real LLC (45561172)
- Kolosok 2024 LLC (45592733)
- Sinton Trade LLC (39435043)
- Slobidka 2022 LLC (44662114)
These enterprises overstated the volume of grain supplies by 25-60%, and their counterparties often had signs of fictitiousness.
To hide the frauds, companies declare purchases of non -agricultural goods:
- Gas condensate - through LLC "Deliver Oil" and LLC "Euronaftogaztrade"
- Building materials - tile, cement, mastic from Atlant Market LLC
- Auto part and household goods - through Synton Logistics LLC and Railal LLC
This allowed to create a fictitious tax credit to minimize liabilities to the budget.
In 2023–2024 Slobozhansky Agroseuz declared:
- Purchase of goods for UAH 172.1 million (UAH 23.7 million - VAT)
- Grain sales for 162.1 million UAH (UAH 20 million - VAT)
Among the buyers are real agricultural enterprises, in particular LLC "Cherkasykhlib TD", LLC "Khmelnitskhlib" and LLC "Ukrainian Grain".
Slobozhansky Agroseuz rented 47 land plots in Kharkiv region, but the reality of this lease was not confirmed. The company worked only three employees, which does not correspond to the scale of its financial turnover.
From December 2023 to April 2024, the company was on the list of risky PAP payers, but was subsequently excluded from it by the decision of the tax commission in the Kiev region.
According to experts, shadow schemes in the agro -sector cost Ukraine 20-30 billion UAH. In 2024, the proportion of illegal circulation in the agricultural sector increased to 18% due to poor control and corruption in the tax authorities.