The war brought not only physical tests, but also deep emotional and psychological stress. The fear of their own lives and the safety of relatives, which from the loss of loved ones or homes, the uncertainty of the future - all this has become an integral part of many people's everyday life. One of the most advanced consequences of this constant stress is sleep disorders.
What if you can't sleep at night and you feel tired and broken in the morning? How to get bored and support the body throughout the day? Collected some effective tips.
- Breakfast . A physiological reaction to a lack of sleep is increased anxiety and desire for sweet and fatty foods. It is an evolutionary "firmware" that has lost its relevance in modern conditions. Moreover, sweet will not add cheerfulness, but on the contrary - will increase drowsiness.
Why? In our brain, namely - in the hypothalamus, there are neurons that secrete a molecule of neuropeptide Ortexin. When there is little, people literally fall asleep on the move and suffer from obesity. And the increase in the amount of orexin in the blood contributes to vigor and weight loss. Of course, in addition to Orexin, numerous other hormones and factors are involved in these processes. But in the context of breakfast, after a sleepless night, the rule is: a lot of sugar - less orexin. But protein food activates the neurons that form it, and orexin increases.
Therefore, it is better to replace the croissant or pancakes with eggs, chops with buckwheat or not a sweet cheese casserole, and a snack better with nuts and fruits, not cookies or chocolate.
- Coffee . After a sleepless night, you really want to get a fast energy charge. And we are used to this savior. One or two cups of espresso or cappuccino will really add energy, but it is better to refuse the third and subsequent. Large doses of caffeine can cause anxiety or nervousness.
- Daytime sleep . To restore strength, you can take a nap in the afternoon for 20-30 minutes-of course, if possible. But no longer. Otherwise, the body will enter the phase of deep sleep, and after awakening you will feel sleepy and broken. Also, do not fall asleep after 2:00 pm, as it can break the night sleep.
It is best to lie down immediately after drinking a cup of coffee - caffeine starts to work after about half an hour. During this time, you will have time to fall asleep, wake up and feel the desired effect.
- Walking outdoors . The movement will stimulate the activity of the brain, and sunlight will send on the retina that the day is now the day is the time of vigor and activity, and the body will block the production of melatonin's sleep hormone.
But heavy and intense workouts are best postponed on the days when you will be well. First, they will further exhaust the already tired body. Secondly, in this condition you will be worse control your body and can be injured.
Also, after a sleepless night, you should refuse to drive a car or a motorcycle. If this is not possible, be very careful and careful, adhere to speed and safe distance.
- Condescension to yourself. Lack of sleep reduces our performance, our attentiveness, vigilance, and impairs control over impulses and desires, which makes us less rational.
In this condition, it is impossible to perform its work qualitatively 100%. So do not try to squeeze the maximum. Talk to the management or employer, set aside difficult tasks for tomorrow and shorten the working day. Managers are also people, and if they are in Ukraine, they probably do not have to explain anything for a long time.
The next day, try to get enough sleep fully.