"Poor" Vice -Rector? The wife of the State Tax University's official holds over $ 150,000 in cash

The financial well -being of the Vice -Rector of the State Tax University of Dmitry Ventzkovsky raises many questions. His wife, Yulia Veentkovskaya, keeps large amounts in cash: $ 126 thousand, 27 thousand euros and 180 thousand hryvnias .

Such data are contained in the declaration of the official for 2024.

Wentzkovsky family income: salaries, dividends and social payments

For 2024, the salary of Dmitry Ventzkovsky at the university amounted to UAH 1.088 million. However, much more money into the family budget was brought by the wife:

1.5 million hryvnias-dividends from LLC "Production and trade firm" KONTH ".
103 thousand hryvnias - salary at LLC "Telecommunication Company".
52 thousand hryvnias - social payments.

High park: three cars, two of which are Audi

The Wentzkovsky family owns three cars:

Renault Logan (2012)
Audi A3 (2015 purchased in 2020)
Audi A3 (2016, purchased in 2019)

Career: Path from Advisor to Vice -Rector

Dmitry Ventzkovsky made a career in the financial sphere, working in the Ministry of Finance, the state customs and tax services.

2018 - Advisor to the Minister of Finance.
2019 - Head of the Sector in the Ministry of Finance, then Director of the Department of Support of the LCA.
November 2019 - Deputy Chairman of the State Fiscal Service.
2020 - Deputy Head of the State Tax Service.
Now - Vice -Rector of the State Tax University.

Where is the money from?

The financial situation of the Wentzkovsky family can raise questions from anti -corruption bodies. After all, the level of income and storage, and especially large amounts of cash, look striking even against the background of other officials.

Whether the relevant authorities are interested in this declaration - the question is open.



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