Health care

Almost 700 Ukrainians applied for psychological help after the last two mass shootings

Almost 700 Ukrainians have sought mental support after the last two major shellings, reported Olena Zelenska, the first lady. It is noted that to help citizens after shelling...

Free surgical operations for Ukrainians: how to use this service

In 2024, Ukrainians who need surgical operations will be guaranteed free medical care, including planned operations. To receive a planned operation free of charge, patients...

The Ukrainian VRNow project: a revolution in the rehabilitation and reduction of phantom pain in people with amputated limbs

In the spring of 2022, three months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the virtual and augmented reality application development studio Advin presented a new social project -...

Free psychological support for veterans and their families will start in Ukraine in 2024

Next year, the state will introduce free psychological assistance for veterans and their relatives, the Minister of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine, Yulia Laputina, said during a direct...

Treatment of Ukrainian infertility will receive funding from the state

For the first time, the Ministry of Health took over the financing of infertility treatment under the state guarantee program, as reported on the official website of the department. According to statistics, the number of infertile couples...

The next meeting of the Verkhovna Rada may unblock the signing of the law on the legalization of medical cannabis

Already at the next meeting, the Verkhovna Rada can cancel the blocking of the signing of the law on the legalization of medical cannabis. This was announced by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk in...

What should be eaten so that the brain works like a computer

Every day we encounter a flow of information, and our brain, as the most powerful "computer", needs special nutrition to maintain concentration, memory and mental activity. Here...

What are the benefits of magnesium for the human body, and what products contain it

Thanks to a sufficient amount of magnesium in the body, we do not have problems with bones, blood vessels and nerves. Magnesium is an extremely important trace element for our health. If...
