Health care

A scandal involving the illegal production of medical products for the military in the Kyiv region

At the beginning of this week, the State Service of Ukraine for Medicinal Products and Drug Control (Derzhliksluzhba) revealed a scandalous situation with the illegal production of medical products in...

Corruption hinders Ukraine in the fight against human trafficking - report of the US State Department

According to the US State Department's latest report on global human trafficking, the government of Ukraine has not reached minimum standards in combating this crime due to...

Organ transplantation in Ukraine: how the system works

According to the latest events regarding the detention of the former deputy minister of health and ten doctors in the case of manipulations with the transplantation system in Ukraine, society is concerned and...

Power outages in Ukraine threaten health due to the risk of water pollution

In Ukraine, where permanent power outages have become the norm, the threat to the health care system and the well-being of the population is growing. Minister of Health Viktor Lyashko warned about...

Viktor Lyashko talked about criminal schemes to obtain the status of "unfit"

The Minister of Health of Ukraine, Viktor Lyashko, made a statement about the discovery of serious violations in the field of obtaining the status of "unfit". According to him, the Ministry of Health...

How to get free medical services in Ukraine

In today's world, access to quality medical care is one of the key aspects of ensuring the health of the nation. Ukraine, like many other countries, has two...

Ukraine can come out of the war with a population of 25 million

According to Volodymyr Paniotto, the general director of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, the worst scenario of a war with Russia involves a significant decrease in the population of Ukraine to 25 million people. This...

Problems in medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense: shortcomings and challenges

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine acknowledged the presence of serious problems in the treatment of soldiers. When asked about the conditions under which servicemen with concussions receive medical care,...
