In the afternoon of March 3, Telegram channels reported on the fire that broke out in Kyiv. Initially, it was reported that the fire occurred on the territory of the Oleksandr Dovzhenko Film Studio. However, representatives...
The police of the Ivano-Frankivsk region are looking for unknown persons who committed a series of attacks, mainly on elderly people and middle-aged men in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. Criminals...
Lawyers of Ihor Kolomoisky claim that the witnesses in the case are denying the testimony given by the investigation. According to them, over the past 6 months, the investigation has built an indictment based on...
Law enforcement officers uncovered a criminal scheme for the write-off and illegal sale of military property, which was intended for one of the city's territorial defense brigades. According to information from the state bureau...
On Monday, February 26, the National Police detained the director of one of the departments of Ukrnafta on suspicion of corruption. This information was disseminated by the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office...
According to the press service of the network, the State Bureau of Investigation seized the building of the main office and central laboratory of "Sinevo Ukraine". In this regard, the company...
Former deputy Serhiy Pashynskyi was released from pre-trial detention center for the deposit of 299 million hryvnias made by the enterprises of the National Association of Defense Industry Enterprises. Pashynsky himself reported about...
One of the largest shopping and entertainment centers in Kyiv, "Republika" mall, was the subject of a loud scandal, where both a huge "discount" during resale and a possible billion...