German Chancellor Olaf Scholz wants to put additional pressure on EU partners to supply Ukraine with more weapons, raising the issue at a special summit...
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine voted for the draft law on honest lobbying during the first reading. People's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak from the "Golos" faction announced the news through...
Former US Ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst identified two key components for achieving lasting peace in the region. According to a VOA report, Herbst believes that…
The Time magazine published the "Top 10 Global Risks for 2024", noting the probable partition of Ukraine in third place. In the "Divided Ukraine" section, the publication recognized the historical...
British Foreign Secretary David Cameron announced that the United Kingdom and its Western allies plan to provide assistance to Ukraine for a long period of time and will strongly demonstrate...
At the beginning of January, it became known that last month a closed meeting was held between Ukraine, the G7 countries and a small group of states of the Global South, with the aim of...
The year 2024 is guaranteed to be even more turbulent for Ukraine than the previous one. And many events in it will determine whether Ukraine will be able to defeat Russia in the war. In the equation...
The Cabinet of Ministers submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a draft law aimed at improving mobilization and military registration in Ukraine. However, an important step in strengthening...