
If the conscript has not informed about the reservation, he can be mobilized

The Transcarpathian District Administrative Court made an important decision that may affect the mobilization process in Ukraine. The court determined that even individuals with armor or deferred...

Shabunin uses the image of an "anti-corruption officer" for selfish purposes

A recent sociological survey conducted by the Ukrainian Sociological Platform revealed a decrease in the trust of Ukrainians in the so-called "anti-corruption officers". In particular, the names of famous activists and public figures, such as...

Corruption is eating Ukraine like gangrene

A security expert, commenting on the case of Oleksandr Zyma, director of the legal department of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), said that corruption in Ukraine is an "incurable disease" that needs...

What is behind the delay in the sale of Medvedchuk's yacht by the head of ARMA

Political scientist Viktor Bobirenko expressed the opinion that delaying the sale of the yacht, which belonged to Viktor Medvedchuk, to the head of the Agency for Search and Asset Management (ARMA) Elena Duma is not...

In Ukraine, they want to reprimand drivers for dangerous animal transportation

In Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada is considering draft law No. 9016, which proposes to introduce new fines for drivers who transport animals in cars without proper...

Vitaly Koval is an ambiguous figure in the political world of Ukraine

Vitaly Koval, head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine and close to President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, is a figure who causes conflicting assessments in Ukrainian politics. His career,...

The military responded harshly to Pastor Sergeev for his accusations against women in the Armed Forces

In Ukraine, a scandal broke out over the statements of Mark Sergeev, a chaplain and former youth pastor, who accused women in the Armed Forces of Ukraine of inappropriate behavior. Sergeev...

The heat is returning to Ukraine

The heat is returning to Ukraine. For example, in Kyiv, the temperature is expected to rise again, which may reach record highs of up to +40°C. This was reported by the well-known forecaster Natalka...
