
On July 17, the Russian language should almost completely disappear from Ukrainian television

In three months, the Russian language should almost completely disappear from Ukrainian television, said language ombudsman Taras Kremin. He wrote that July 17 comes into effect...

Crowds of young men who went to the front as volunteers in the first months of the war have disappeared in Ukraine

"Currently, potential draft-eligible recruits are evading the draft and spending their days in nightclubs instead. Many have left the country altogether," -...

The most corrupt areas in the Ministry of Defense were the payment of "combatants" and the transfer of humanitarian aid

Deputy Minister of Defense Yuriy Dzhigyr said this while commenting on the audit of the Ministry of Defense, which revealed violations of UAH 10 billion. "Results of internal audits in military units...

A conscript from the Cherkasy region was sentenced to three years in prison for evading the draft

A conscript from the Cherkasy region was sentenced to three years in prison for evading conscription for military service during mobilization. This is reported by "Glavkom" from...

The petition on the mobilization of law enforcement officers, civil servants and other employees of the budget sector received 25,000 votes in 3 days

A petition to the president on the mobilization of law enforcement officers, civil servants and other employees of the budget sector received 25,000 votes in just 3 days. Instead, the initiator proposes to grant the right...

During the war with Russia on April 15, a soldier of the 59th OMBr, Pavlo Petrychenko, died

Before the war, Sergeant Petrychenko was a project manager, a participant in public initiatives, and an organizer of actions against the arbitrariness of law enforcement officers. Friends and acquaintances tell what he was like. "Straightforward and honest. Said...

Men abroad are not obliged to return to Ukraine to update their data for the military commission

Allegedly, men abroad will not be obliged to return to Ukraine to update their data for the Military Committee, People's Deputy from "Servant of the People" Fedir Venislavskyi said. "No responsibilities,...

In Khmelnytskyi region there was a conflict with the participation of the TCC

As it is claimed, the military commissars "threw out" a woman from the assembly center in Dunaivtsi using force. She came to find out why the TCC won't release the boy under guardianship...
