
Weather forecast for January 9: sun, heat and no rain

Abnormally warm weather is expected throughout Ukraine on Thursday, January 9. The temperature in most regions will be +7°...+10°, and in the southern and southeastern regions -...

A quarter of the 2024 applicants were chosen by Kyiv universities

In 2024, Kyiv remains the main center of higher education in Ukraine, attracting a quarter of all entrants. According to Deputy Minister of Education and Science Mykhailo Vynnytskyi,...

Weather forecast in Ukraine by Natalka Didenko: warm until the weekend, then cooling

According to the forecast of the well-known forecaster Natalka Didenko, the warming in Ukraine will continue for several more days, namely on January 9 and 10. However, since 11...

Kyiv earned UAH 74 million from parking fines

In Kyiv during 2024, more than 230,000 drivers received fines for violating parking rules. These fines brought 74.1 million hryvnias to the city budget...

How to properly appeal a decision of the MSEK: step-by-step instructions

The center for assessing the functional state of a person is engaged in checking the validity of the decisions of expert teams and considering complaints about these decisions. It aims to ensure justice and...

January 8: What is celebrated today in Ukraine and the world

On January 8, believers celebrate the day of memory of several saints. According to the new calendar, Reverend George Khozevit, Kyiv-Pechersk hermits Grigoriy and Reverend Ilya of Egypt are honored. For the old...

Weather forecast in Ukraine: cloudy, rainy and spring heat

On Wednesday, January 8, unusually warm weather awaits Ukrainians for the middle of winter. The temperature throughout the country will vary between +5°...+10°, and in the south...

Alleged connection of NABU head Semyon Kryvonos with those involved in the "Energoatom" case

Investigative journalist Volodymyr Boyko drew attention to the possibility of connections between NABU head Semen Krivonos and the participants in the Energoatom corruption case. We are talking about criminal proceedings against such...
