
Three temperature records have been recorded in Kiev

On March 6, 2025 it was a special day in the meteorological history of Kiev. The Central Geophysical Observatory named after Boris Sreznevsky recorded three temperature records at once - minimal, ...

Anti -corruption bodies require confiscation of property of the Grinchyshyn family for UAH 8.5 million

The Specialized Anti -Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP) has filed two claims for confiscation of assets for a total amount of more than UAH 8.5 million to the Supreme Anti -Corruption Court (VAKS). It is about ...

Hidden fortune for 5 million: Odessa City Council official under criminal investigation

The National Agency for Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) has found large -scale violations in the declaration of the head of accounting, personnel and archival work of the Department of Engineering Protection of the Territory ...

Spring warmth and sunny sky: weather forecast in Ukraine on March 7

Today, Ukrainians will be able to enjoy real spring warmth and sunny weather. Forecasters predict a dry day without precipitation, which will create the ideal conditions for walks and pre -holidays ...

Started registration to participate in NMT: How to apply

The main registration period began to participate in the national multi -compartment test (NMT) in 2025. Entrants can submit their applications by April 3. For registration it is necessary ...

March 6: church holiday, folk signs and prohibitions

On March 6, Orthodox Christians celebrate an important event in the church calendar - finding an honest Cross and nails with a holy equally apostolic queen Elena in Jerusalem. This day ...

Weather forecast on March 6: The temperature will reach 18 ° all over Ukraine

On March 6, there will be warm and sunny weather throughout Ukraine, without rain. The thermometer columns will rise to +11 ° ... +16 °, and in the south, west and in the central ...

Forecast on March 6: wind and heat, in places up to +18 ° C

On March 6, warm but windy weather is expected in Ukraine. According to Natalka Didenko's forecasters, the air temperature will fluctuate in the range of +14 ... +16 degrees, and in ...
