On Wednesday, June 12, while patrolling the Ukrainian-Hungarian section of the border, the border squad of the "Bodalovo" branch discovered the body of a man without signs of life. This tragic event happened...
The "Schemes" project reveals a new scandalous fact: the girlfriend of Deputy Prosecutor General Yuri Verbytsky became the owner of elite property with a total value of 52 million hryvnias. According to the investigation, Khrystyna...
In Transcarpathia, SBUshnyk documented DPSUshnyk and then blackmailed and received almost $500,000, and he was documented by NABUshnyk. After that, searches were conducted by detectives...
During the investigation of corruption schemes related to the construction of fortifications, the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine opened about 30 criminal cases. The total amount of funds appearing in...
The SBI is investigating the illegal enrichment of the head of the Lviv Housing and Operation Department (KEV), Colonel Anatoly Nanivskyi. The DBR believes that official income is not the only source of income...
TCC employees arrived today at the site of the LGBT party, which was planned to be held in the Kyiv art center Closer. This was reported by the KyivPride organization, which is holding "Equality Marches" in Kyiv. Military commissars...
Ukrainian law enforcement agencies now have the opportunity to track the whereabouts of Ukrainians abroad using the Diya mobile application. The Telegraf publication writes about this, referring to the decision...
According to the KMIS survey conducted on the fifth anniversary of President Zelenskyi's inauguration, half of Ukrainians believe that he has not fulfilled most of his pre-election promises. 25% said none...