Journalists learned how the Lviv businessman Kozlovsky got the right to demolish the historic building in the center of Kiev

The group of Lviv tobacco smuggler Grigory Kozlovsky expands its impact on the metropolitan region under Denis Shmigal's protection. The problem was paid attention after the failure of the asphalt near ...

As a businessman Maxim Lunov helps Ukrainian corrupt officials hide millions of wealth

Maxim Lunov is a Ukrainian businessman, the founder of a number of companies that specialize in leasing air vehicles. In particular, Lunov leases wealthy Ukrainians ...

KSCA official Illya Pasko is suspected of corruption schemes

According to TG Khreschatyk Channel 36 one of the top officials of KSCA PASKO Ilya Nikolaevich, who controlled all construction tenders of district education departments, receiving "rolls" from contractors, now ...

NABU Olenich's case continues to influence KSCA's work

NABU's criminal case on land corruption in the capital, officially dismissed by the ex-deputy of the KSCA chairman Petro Olenich comes to the KSCA every day and continues ...

Journalists exposed a scheme with a reservation from mobilization in Kiev

The new head of the Kiev shopping center, Colonel Vitaliy Khomyak, together with the chairman of the KMVA Timur Tkachenko, introduced the scheme of "host" of metropolitan enterprises, which should be recognized as "critical" ...

The head of the Zhuliani Kiev Airport fled to Spain 9 days before the full -scale invasion

9 days before the start of a full -scale invasion, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kyiv (Zhulyany) Denis Kostrzhevsky left for Spain, leaving the airport and staff of the enterprise to the enterprise ....

In Kiev, the powers of the deputy chairman of the KSCA Petro Olenich were redistributed after his removal

In Kiev, the powers and corruption flows that were connected to the deputy chairman of the KSCA Petro Olenich were divided, which is currently under investigation and dismissed from performance ...

As Mikhail Maslov earns on state tenders and pays taxes

The businessman Mikhail Maslov's fleet during a full -scale invasion was replenished with several elite cars due to the won multimillion -dollar tenders and unpaid taxes. Businessman Maslov Mikhail Alexandrovich ...
