Chernivtsi police blocked Telegram-channel for illegal transfer of men abroad

Police of Chernivtsi region, together with border guards, blocked the Telegram-channel through which illegal transfers of men abroad were organized. The 19-year-old organizer of this scheme faces up to nine years in prison.

Criminal activity was organized by a resident of Ivano-Frankivsk region, creating a channel on Telegram to find customers. Together with unidentified persons, he offered services for illegal intersection of the state border, guaranteeing safe departure through unforeseen checkpoints. The suspect was engaged in all stages of the organization: from the administration of the channel to the support of clients to the border. For his services, he received a preliminary payment of $ 650 from each client, and after successful transfer, this amount could increase to $ 5-10 thousand.

The detention took place on January 10, when the suspect was caught during the escort of three men to the border. During the search, law enforcement officers seized material evidence confirming the involvement of the detainee in the illegal transfer of people.

Investigators declared suspicion to the Organizer for the illegal crossing of persons across the border by prior conspiracy by a group of persons punished by up to nine years of imprisonment. Investigation is currently underway, and law enforcement officers are working on the establishment of other persons involved in this criminal activity.



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