Why do they beat TCKshniks

Recently, among discussions in society, the topic of attacks on representatives of TCC is often mentioned. Why such incidents occur and what could be the causes of this phenomenon, Yuriy Kasyanov considered in his article.

"...For a year, our deputies, together with the government, the General Staff, the Ministry of Defense and the President's Office, created a law on mobilization, which in essence is no different from Soviet laws. The Soviet system of repressive mobilization has not changed, the very principle of mobilization, the method of mobilization, the idea of ​​mobilization has not changed."

"Noisy conflicts involving the TCC will only increase. The reasons are known, there are two of them: unfair, opaque, repressive mobilization; and an inefficient, outdated, repressive mobilization machine, the same military commissars that we inherited from the Soviet Union, and changed only the sign.

Why are the TCC under the command of the Ground Forces, when they provide human resources to all the power structures of Ukraine?... On the one hand, there are laws on mobilization, which are very imperfect, and on the other hand, there are direct orders of the command that do not tolerate double interpretation. There is an order to give 100 people a day - they will catch 100 people a day, regardless of armor, for common sense - they will go to soldiers and ambulance doctors, and workers of defense enterprises.

The TCC should have been subordinated to the Ministry of Defense a long time ago, the military should have been removed from them (why are the military there?), and filled with servicemen discharged from the army who were wounded and know well what war is.

However, for six months or a year, our deputies, together with the government, the General Staff, the Ministry of Defense and the President's Office, created a law on mobilization, which in essence is no different from Soviet laws.

The Soviet system of repressive mobilization has not changed, the very principle of mobilization, the method of mobilization, the idea of ​​mobilization has not changed.

There is no justice - whoever is caught will go to war, and whoever can get rid of it, will survive the war safely. Thousands of loopholes in the legislation reliably protect people close to the state apparatus, the fat layer of the richest and bandits who will buy everything and negotiate with everyone. The lack of fighters is solved at the expense of firefighters, medics, gunsmiths, and transporters. Now "economic reservation" will be added - the legal buyout of big business for money - and a social explosion will be inevitable.

But it was possible to do as, for example, in the States, when a transparent, public lottery determines who will go to war today and who will go to war tomorrow. They drew a ball with the date of your birthday, and you go to the military commissariat together with everyone who was born on that day. Everything is simple. Rightly. And it works perfectly in a fair, democratic society, where the rights of man and citizen are respected.

But we have a scoop. As a fragment of the Russian Empire, we cannot separate ourselves from the Horde, we pass Horde laws, give power to Horde oprichniks, provoke fights in the streets, kill any desire to join the army, and thus announce that we are at war with the Horde.

And does it make sense if we ourselves are a horde?..."

Yuriy Kasyanov



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