Can men overseas lose their citizenship due to mobilization?

In connection with the war started by the Russian Federation, a general mobilization is underway in Ukraine. Conscript men who receive summonses are subject to compulsory conscription. However, there are cases when some men avoid the draft.

They are in no hurry to bring the draft law on mobilization to the session hall of the Rada, because they are afraid of a ton of opposition criticism of Zelenskyi - the anti-mobilization rating in society already reaches 95-97%. At the same time, against the background of multiple strengthening of mobilization measures, rumors have already spread among the people that the Ukrainian authorities may deprive the citizenship of men of draft age who have gone abroad.

The first general prosecutor of Ukraine and former judge of the Constitutional Court, Viktor Shishkin, expressed an opinion about the possible deprivation of citizenship of Ukrainians who fled abroad due to mobilization.

Shishkin explained that according to Article 25 of the Constitution, it is impossible to deprive a citizen of Ukraine of citizenship.

"He can change citizenship at his own will. Our men fled abroad - yes, this is bad. But it is not about legal, but about public responsibility," he said.

According to the expert, Ukraine has no right to revoke the citizenship of defectors who are hiding abroad.

"Thus, the discussion of this issue is provocative. We need to look for other ways to solve this problem," added Shishkin. The expert also explained whether Ukraine violates the rights of its citizens by advocating that foreign countries send Ukrainians of conscription age home. "Ukraine can ask such a question before other countries. Our men live abroad based on the legislation of the host country. If this country believes that there are no sufficient grounds for the presence of our men on its territory, it can go to meet Ukraine. There is no violation of rights here, as Ukraine is only asking questions - it does not send special forces abroad to bring Ukrainian men home in handcuffs," concluded Shishkin.

We would like to remind you that the State Employment Service can help Ukrainian men to find employment in the ranks of the Armed Forces.



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