Is the utilization of reproductive cells of military personnel planned in Ukraine: explanation from the Council

In the event of the death of Ukrainian servicemen, reproductive cells will not be disposed of, said the head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Health, Medical Aid and Medical Insurance, Mykhailo Radutskyi. The bill providing for this applies only to servicemen who, as a result of an injury, have lost the ability to have children, and does not affect cases of the death of soldiers.

The changes in the draft law are exclusively procedural in nature and are aimed at avoiding contradictions with the article of the Civil Code, which refers to the termination of representation by power of attorney after the death of the principal.

Mykhailo Radutsky emphasized that at the moment there are no legal grounds for the disposal of reproductive cells, as the law has not yet entered into force.

The People's Deputy promises that the Verkhovna Rada will adopt changes to the Civil Code that will take into account the interests of the families of fallen soldiers and ensure the protection of the interests of defenders and their families. These changes provide for the creation of all the necessary legislative norms to ensure the memory of the dead in a more solemn way - through their children.



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